Fermi-GBM GRB110731465 Summary

Trigger Summary

Trigger Time [MET]        : 333803371.953984
Burst Pos RA [deg]        : 281.9833
Burst Pos Dec [deg]       : -38.9833
Burst Err Radius [deg]    : 4.4167
Trigger significance [sig]: 4.8
Trigger time scale [ms]   : 256
Trigger channel low       : 3
Trigger channel high      : 4
Trigger channel low (ADC) : 259
Trigger channel high (ADC): 1352
Triggered detector        : 10010000000000
SC Geo East Long [deg]    : 183.6257
SC Geo North Lat [deg]    : 18.5825

GBM Light curves


1s binning

All interval

From T0-10 to T0+100

From T0-10 to T0+50

From T0-10 to T0+10

64ms binning

All interval

From T0-10 to T0+100

From T0-10 to T0+50

From T0-10 to T0+10

0.2ms binning

All interval

From T0-0.005 to T0+0.1

From T0-0.005 to T0+0.05

From T0-0.005 to T0+0.01

LAT Sky Image


100 MeV - 300 GeV

   #   count      err         pixel      Vig  RA(2000)   Dec(2000)   Err  H-Box
                             x     y     corr                        rad  (sec)
    1 2.08E+01+/-5.1E+00    27.8    45.2 1.00 18 42 37.7 -29 06 14.2  -1   9900
Tk startup failed: /xtk device unavailable

less than 100 MeV

LAT light curves


1s binning

10s binning

GBM-LAT light curve (1s binning)


GBM + 100 MeV-300 GeV LAT light curves

GBM + 1 MeV-100 MeV LAT light curves